
What's on?


Gala Ball




50 Years Austrian Association Sponsors

The Austrian Association wishes to thank the following sponsors
for their support of our 50th Anniversary:

Multicultural SA

Interior Decorating Services - Mr & Mrs E. Wichtrey

Swarovski International

Honourary Austrian Consul Mr. Robert Gerard

Austrian Tourist Office - Sydney

Commonwealth Bank - Parkholme

Radio Austria 4

Mr Manfred & Mrs Traudl Andersen

50 Years Austrian Association Acknowledgements

50 Year Committee Members
Mr H Reiter (Chairman), Mr H Fuchs, Mr G Lachs, Mrs D Feuerreiter, Mrs A Clark,
Mr and Mrs M Andersen, Mrs B Schuster, Mr H Stauber, Mr and Mrs K Sörgel,
Mrs R Libiseller, Mr G Simonitsch,Mrs H Schoiswohl, Mr W Aigner, Mr A Klopf

50 year Exhibition
Mr and Mrs M Andersen, Mrs R Libiseller

50 Year Booklet
Layout and design: Mr H Stauber, Mr H Reiter
Booklet Translations: Mrs A Ebeling
The Austrian Association history: Mr G Simonitsch

50 year Logo
Mrs R Libiseller

50 year Decorations
Mrs R Libiseller

50 year Overseas Correspondence
Mr H Fuchs

50 year Web Design
Mr H Stauber