Message from Mr Herbert Reiter,
President of the Austrian Association Sa
Dear Members and Friends,
I welcome all members and friends to our special year of
“50 years Austrian Association in South Australia”
This achievement has only been made possible by the
outstanding contribution made by the members of our club who
have given many hours of their time to make the club what it
is today.
From the beginning to present day our association has been
run entirely
on a voluntary basis which in itself is an outstanding
achievement and it
is a wonderful reflection on our community in wanting our
club to continue to be the focal point for the Austrian
Community living in South Australia.
Sadly time has beaten many of our members who did so much in
the early years of our club and their efforts will always
remain close to our hearts.
I wish to pay tribute to our past presidents and their
committees for their magnificent contribution and laying a
strong foundation that reflects on our club today.
I wish to acknowledge the many letters we have received in
regard to our 50th Birthday and to say thank you to you all
for your wonderful support.
Also heartfelt thanks to the many sponsors for their
generous support towards our 50 year celebrations.
Our 50th Birthday is a celebration of success by the
Austrian Community here in South Australia and I extend best
wishes and thanks to you all for your wonderful contribution
and support you have given us and I look forward to many
more successful years to come.
With best wishes,
Herbert Reiter
President of the Austrian Association SA Inc., Adelaide |
Grussbotschaft von Dr. Heinz Fischer,
Bundespräsident von Österreich
Liebe Landsleute
und Herzensösterreicher!
Als Bundespräsident der Republik Österreich freue ich mich
sehr, dem
"Österreichischen Klub Adelaide" anlässlich seines
50-jährigen Jubiläums herzlich zu gratulieren.
Ein nicht
unbeträchtlicher Teil der Österreicherinnen und Österreicher
berufsbedingt oder aus persönlichen Gründen im Ausland, ohne
die Verbindung mit
ihrer alten Heimat verloren zu haben. Sie haben sich in
vielen Ländern zu
Vereinigungen zusammengeschlossen, um einander in der neuen
Heimat zu
unterstützen und neue soziale Kontakte zu schliessen.
So grüsse ich alle in
Adelaide lebenden Landsleute, ihre Freunde und Bekannten,
herzlich und freue mich, dass Sie in Australien eine neue
Heimat gefunden haben.
Seit fünfzig Jahren ist der Österreichische Klub Adelaide
eine Heimstätte für alle, die
ein "Stück Österreich" leben wollen. Die alljährliche Feier
anlässlich unseres National-feiertags am 26. Oktober zeigt
mir auch, dass sie darüberhinaus lebhaft daran Anteil
nehmen, welchen politischen Weg Österreich in Europa und in
der Welt gehen will.
Als Mitglieder dieses
Klubs sind Sie alle "Botschafter" österreichischer Kultur
Lebensart und leisten damit einen nicht zu unterschätzenden
Beitrag zur Integration
zwischen unseren beiden Ländern auf der Ebene der
persönlichen Beziehungen- dafür
ein ganz besonders herzliches "Danke"!
Zum Geburtstag wünsche
ich dem Österreichischen Klub Adelaide, allen Mitgliedern
und Freunden, dass er weiterhin "Austria in Australia" so
lebendig und vorzüglich
repräsentiert, wie das in den vergangenen 50 Jahren
geschehen ist.
Ich danke Ihnen sehr herzlich für Ihr Engagement und wünsche
Ihnen viel Erfolg für
Ihre Festveranstaltungen und alles Gute für Ihre weitere
persönliche Zukunft!
Dr. Heinz Fischer
Bundespräsident der Republik Österreich |
from Mr John Howard,
Prime Minister of Australia
It is with great pleasure that I send my best wishes to the
Austrian Association of South Australia on its 50th
Many Austrians were to take up the challenge of immigrating
to Australia
in the second half of the twentieth century and I understand
the association was set up to help Austrian immigrants
settle into the community and overcome the difficulties
encountered during the early years in South Australia.
The association has now become the community centre for
Austrians living in South Australia, holding many events
throughout the year and generally supporting the community.
It is occasions such as this anniversary that contribute to
the mutual understanding that has been so important in the
development of our diverse and harmonious society.
The Australian Government is firmly committed to a modern,
vital and diverse Australia in which all people have freedom
to express and share their cultural values and to be active
and equal participants in our society. The genuine
commitment of all Australians to a nation united by
tolerance and mutual respect for others continues to build
and strengthen this country.
I am pleased to offer my congratulations and support to the
Austrian Association of South Australia and wish the
organisers and members every success in celebrating your
50th Anniversary.
John Howard
Prime Minister of Australia, Canberra |
from Mr Mike Rann,
Premier of South Austalia
I have much pleasure in sending this message of greetings
and good wishes to the Austrian Association of South
Australia on the landmark occasion of the 50th anniversary
of its foundation.
On behalf of the Government of South Australia, I pay
tribute to the local
Austrian community for its contribution to the social,
cultural and economic development of our State.
Over the past 50 years, the Austrian Association has
provided a wide range of services to the community and has
responded to the changing needs of its members. Through the
Association, the Austrian community has maintained and
generously shared its rich heritage and traditions with all
South Australians.
I extend my warmest congratulations on the 50th Anniversary
of the Austrian Association of South Australia, and my very
best wishes for a prosperous and successful future for all
Austrian South Australians.
Mike Rann
Premier Minister of South Australia, Adelaide |
von Dr Hans Demel,
Österreichischer Botschafter in Australien
Liebe Landsleute in Südaustralien!
Mit besonderer Freude möchte ich dem Österreichischen Klub
Adelaide meine besten Wünsche zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum, das
im Jahr 2007 gefeiert wird, übermitteln.
Wie unsere Heimat, die Republik Österreich, hat auch der
Österreichische Klub Adelaide eine wechselvolle Geschichte:
War der Klub zunächst für alle Österreicher in
Südaustralien, die ihre Heimat zumeist nur ungern verlassen
haben, ein Bollwerk gegen Heimweh, Sprachschwierigkeiten und
viele andere Probleme in einem fremden Land, so ist er heute
ein Zentrum österreichischer Kultur und Lebensfreude nicht
nur für diejenigen, die in Australien ihre zweite Heimat
gefunden haben, sondern auch für ihre australischen Freunde.
Sie alle, liebe Mitglieder des Österreichischen Klubs
Adelaide, sind ein lebender Beweis dafür, dass Österreicher
sich in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen überall bewähren
und imstande sind, Brücken zu anderen Ländern und Kulturen
zu bauen.
Ihr Klub ist trotz 50 Jahren im Herzen immer jung geblieben,
wie die vielen jugendlichen Mitglieder in den Tanz- und
Singgruppen beweisen. Für ihre Liebe zur Heimat, die sie
ganz offensichtlich an die nächste Generation weitergegeben
haben und die liebevolle Pflege österreichischer Kultur und
österreichischer Lebensart möchte ich ihnen als
österreichischer Botschafter von ganzem Herzen danken.
Ich wünsche dem Österreichischen Klub Adelaide zum 50.
Geburtstag das Allerbeste und bin überzeugt, dass er noch
viele solche Feste feiern wird.
Hans Demel
Österreichischer Botschafter in Canberra, Australien |
von Frau Dr. Ursula Plassnik
Bundesministerin für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Österreich
Liebe Österreicherinnen und Österreicher in Adelaide and
Als Aussenministerin und ehemalige Auslandsösterreicherin
fühle ich mich jenen Landsleuten, die sich im Ausland
niedergelassen haben, besonders verbunden. Sie sind die
Pioniere eines weltoffenen Österreich, ein Stück Österreich
in der Welt.
Die Auslandsösterreicherlnnen-Vereine stellen eine Brücke
zwischen der alten und der neuen Heimat dar, sie sind
zugleich Vermittler Österreichs und Treffpunkte im Ausland.
Der Österreicherklub Adelaide ist nun schon seit 50 Jahren
in Südaustralien aktiv, und es ist mir ein besonderes
Anliegen, Ihnen zu diesem Jubiläum zu gratulieren und all
jenen zu danken, die in den letzten fünf Jahrzehnten
ehrenamtlich zum Erfolg des Vereins beigetragen haben.
Die österreichische Bundesregierung ist den Österreichern in
aller Welt für ihre Verbundenheit mit ihrer Heimat dankbar
und es wurde daher im neuen Regierungsprogramm vereinbart,
Ihnen durch eine Vereinfachung des Auslandswahlrechts die
politische Mitwirkung in Österreich zu erleichtern.
Ich ermutige Sie, mit unserer Heimat auch weiterhin
verbunden zu bleiben und von der in Zukunft vereinfachten
Möglichkeit zur Mitbestimmung auch Gebrauch zu machen.
Dem Österreicherklub Adelaide und allen seinen Mitgliedem
wünsche ich weiterhin viel Erfolg bei seinen Aktivitäten,
mit herzlichen Grüssen aus Wien
Ihre Ursula Plassnik
Bundesministerin für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Wien |
from Mr Robert Gerard
Honorary Consul of Austria in South Australia
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Austrian
Association of South Australia Incorporated on their 50
years of continuous hard work serving the Austrian community
in the State.
My involvement has been since 1998 when I was appointed the
Honorary Consul of Austria in South Australia. During that
time I have very much enjoyed the hospitality shown both to
me and my wife, Fay, by the Austrian community, in
particular, at the many functions that have been held at
their Ovingham clubrooms.
The volume of work of many, many people is very obvious when
attending the Clubrooms – volunteers who serve drinks, clean
up, cook, run the dances - a great effort by all the people
concerned. I understand that some 27-30 functions are held
in the Club each year.
I believe that this Club is the backbone and strength for
all Austrian activity in this State and what puts a fairly
small community in numbers into a very high prominent
position in South Australia.
I should make special mention of Herbie Reiter who was
awarded the Golden Cross in 2003 from the Austrian
Government for his efforts in leading and setting up the
Association. I must admit that Herbie has been a huge
driving force behind the Club and I hope he will continue
this for many years to come.
There have been many high profile visitors from Austria over
the last few years, they include Thomas Muster, Gerhard
Berger, Karl Moik and the Vienna Boys Choir. Once again the
club was a key factor in bringing these important people to
the State and enabled many in the Austrian community to meet
their important Austrian counterparts.
Finally, I would like to say how privileged I am to be the
Honorary Consul and continue to undertake my role along with
Gitti Schuster. I must make special mention of Gitti who is
a great help in her role running the Consulate out at Cavan
and previously at Bowden. I am sure many of you have become
very friendly with Gitti.
Congratulations to the Association on celebrating 50 years.
Robert Gerard AO
Honorary Consul of Austria in South Australia, Adelaide |
from Mr Hieu Van Le, Chairman,
South Australian Multicultural & Ethnik Affairs Commission
On behalf of the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic
Affairs Commission I am delighted to provide this message of
support to the Austrian Association of South Australia Inc.
on the occasion of its
5oth Anniversary.
The South Austratian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs
Commission's role and vision is to achieve an open,
inclusive, cohesive and equitable multicultural society,
where cultural, linguistic and religious diversity is
understood, valued and supported.
The tireless work of the Austrian Association of South
Australia through its legion of volunteers has done much to
promote the benefits of multiculturalism in South Australia.
I congratulate the Association and the Austrian South
Australian community for maintaining and celebrating
Austrian culture, history, music, food and language.
On behalf of the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic
Affairs Commission I wish
the Austrian Association of South
Australia every success for its 50th Anniversary
and for the
Hieu Van Le
Chairman of the South Australian Multicultural & Ethnik
Affairs Commission, Adelaide |
Grussbotschaft von
Dr. Jörg Haider †
Landeshauptmann von Kärnten
Liebe Landsleute!
Es ist mir eine grosse Ehre, Ihnen allen zum 50-jährigen
Bestehen des Österreicher Clubs zu gratulieren. Es macht
mich stolz, wenn weit über
den Grenzen hinaus eine so starke Verbundenheit sowie Treue
Heimatland zum Ausdruck gebracht werden und die Wurzeln der
Herkunft nie in Vergessenheit geraten sind.
Als Landeshauptmann von Kärnten grüsse ich alle
Auslandsösterreicher, vor allem jedoch die Landsleute aus
Mit besten Grüssen
Jörg Haider
Landeshauptmann von Kärnten |
Grussbotschaft von Dr. Josef
Landeshauptmann von Oberösterreich
Glückwünsche aus
Oberösterreich: Pühringer gratuliert zu 50 Jahren
Österreichischer Klub Adelaide
1957 wurde der Klub
Adelaide in Südaustralien mit dem Hintergrund geboren, den
rund 2000 emigrierten Österreicherinnen und Österreichern
auch fern ihrer Heimat die österreichische Volkskultur
weiterhin zu vermitteln. Und heuer feiert der Verein sein
50-jähriges Bestehen, auf das man sehr stolz sein kann.
Ich bin den ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern
dieses Vereins sehr dankbar für ihren Einsatz, das
österreichische Kulturgut über den Ozean hinweg bis nach
Australien gebracht zu haben und dort auch anderen spüren zu
Tradition und
Innovation - das zeichnet das Kulturland Österreich und
insbesondere Oberösterreich aus. Die Volkskultur spielt
dabei eine große Rolle. 100.000 Menschen arbeiten
ehrenamtlich in oberösterreichischen Vereinen und Verbänden,
und zwar - das hat eine Studie ergeben - durchschnittlich
sieben Stunden pro Woche. Eine gewaltige Zahl, eine
großartige Leistung. Ihre Arbeit wird von den Mitmenschen
unseres Landes geschätzt und anerkannt, das hat die
Kulturstudie des Landes Oberösterreich ergeben. 40 Prozent
der Befragten haben auf die Frage nach den Aushängeschildern
des Kulturlandes Oberösterreich echte Volksmusik, Blasmusik,
Trachtenpflege und Volkskultur genannt.
Und dass Volkskultur
Menschen vereint und sie näher kommen lässt, kann man an dem
Klub Adelaide sehr gut erkennen. Der Klub besteht heute aus
über 300 Mitgliedern, die in unterschiedlichen Sing-, Tanz-
oder Musikgruppen öffentlich auftreten und so die
österreichische Tradition in Australien aufrecht erhalten.
Für die Zukunft wünsche
ich dem Klub Adelaide alles Gute, dass seine Mitglieder auch
weiterhin so gut dem Kultur- und Bildungsauftrag nachkommen
und unsere
Bräuche in die Welt hinaustragen. Denn die Volkskultur ist
für uns Österreicherinnen und Österreicher wichtig, weil sie
jeden Tag aufs Neue gelebt wird.
Dr. Josef Pühringer
Landeshauptmann von Oberösterreich |
Grussbotschaft von
Dr. Heinz Schaden,
Bürgermeister von Salzburg
Liebe Landsleute!
Ihre Nachricht über den österreichischen Klub in Adelaide
hat mich sehr gefreut - ich wusste nicht, dass es in
Australien so einen Verein gibt!
Ich gratuliere den Funktionären und den Mitgliedern herzlich
zum bevorstehenden 50-jährigen Jubiläum! Anbei finden Sie
eine DVD mit einer kurzen Grussbotschaft aus Salzburg. Ich
wünsche Ihen und allen "Österreichern" in Australien ein
gelungenes Jubiläumsjahr 2007. Danke, dass Sie Österreich
auch in der Ferne weiterhin verbunden bleiben!
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Dr. Heinz Schaden
Bürgermeister von Salzburg |
Grussbotschaft von Mag.
Siegfried Nagl,
Bürgermeister der steirischen Landeshauptstadt Graz
Liebe Österreicherinnen
und Österreicher im fernen Australien!
Zunächst einmal möchte
ich Ihnen sehr herzlich zum 50-jährigen Bestehen des
Österreicherklubs in Adelaide gratulieren!
Wir freuen uns über die
Verbundenheit, die Sie nach wie vor mit der alten Heimat
haben und wie sehr Sie im Herzen Österreicher geblieben
sind. Als Bürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt Graz gilt mein
besonderer Gruss natürlich jenen, die in Graz und in der
Steierrnark ihre Wurzeln haben, aber selbstverständlich
grüsse ich auch alle anderen Larndsleute ebenso herzlich.
Als wir im
Kulturhauptstadtjahr 2003 Gastgeber für das alljährliche
Treffen der Auslandsösterreicher sein durften, war ich
überwältigt, wie viele Österreicherinnen und Österreicher
erfolgreich auf der ganzen Welt tätig sind. Es erfüllt uns
mit Stolz, wenn unsere Landsleute in fernen Ländern nicht
nur reüssieren, sondern auch die Kultur und Tradition
unseres Landes pflegen.
Sollte jemand von der
Austrian Association of S.A. einmal nach Graz kommen, würde
ich mich freuen, Sie im Grazer Rathaus begrüssen zu dürfen,
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
aus Graz
Siegfried Nagl
Bürgermeister von Graz, Steiermark |
Message from Mr Heinz
President of Radio Austria 4
Dear members and
friends of Radio Austria 4!
It was in 1977 at a
committee meeting of the Austrian Association here in
Adelaide, where a radio program came up for discussion.
Mr Gerald Simonitsch, president of the Austrian Club in that
year, suggested there was a need for a radio program to
serve the Austrian community in South Australia.
Soon after that
meeting, discussions were held with Dr Siegrid Gassner-Roberts from the University of Adelaide, Mr Toni Nelson, the
Austrian Consul General in that year and of course the EBI
Broadcasting Organisation.
On the 14th of January
1978 at 11.30am, the first "Austrian Half Hour" went to air
here in Adelaide on University Radio 5UV 530khz on the
The election of the
first Radio Committee was on the 28th September 1978 with
G Simonitsch as President, S Gassner-Roberts Secretary, T
Taurer Treasurer,
Mrs T Taurer †, Music Director, H Reiter Program Manager, L
Roberts Public Relations Officer and H Fuchs Announcer.
As years went by, Radio
Austria 4 expanded, we welcomed the edition of an Austrian
youth program, a women’s program and our 2nd youth program
"Jetzt gehts los".
Currently we broadcast
3 times a week on 103.1Mhz, with a total of 2 hours on air
time. All our programs can also be heard all over the world
via the Internet.
In all those years we
enjoyed a tremendous support from our listeners, friends and
sponsors. We worked in harmony with the committee of the
Austrian Association and are very proud to play a part of
Multicultural Australia .
On behalf of Radio
Austria 4 and all our listeners, I congratulate the
President of the Austrian Association Mr Herbie Reiter, the
Committee past and present, and all members of the Austrian
Club on this special occasion, their 50th Anniversary and
wish you many years of continuing success.
With kind regards
Heinz Fuchs
President of Radio Austria 4 |
Message from Mr Harald
Group Leader of the
National Dance Group (ANDG)
In 2007, the Austrian
Association of South Australia enjoys a landmark Golden
Jubilee, as it celebrates many of its wonderful
looks back on the history of its sub-groups and members, and
remembers the many volunteers who made the Austrian Club the
warm and friendly environment that we will continue to enjoy
for many years to come. As our Club proudly celebrates its
50th Anni-versary, so too does the Austrian National Dance
Founded in late 1957 by
the Austrian Club’s first president, Mr Hans Neubauer, the
ANDG made its debut performance in 1958. As Hans Neubauer is
fondly remembered as the founder of the Dance Group,
likewise Mr Walter Feuerreiter is remembered as the driving
force behind shaping the future of the ANDG, from the time
he took over leadership of the group in the early 1960’s. As
Group Leader for a period of 13 years, his many ideas and a
willingness to introduce new dances meant that the group was
destined to succeed. Walter is also credited with forming
the Junior Dance Group in the late sixties, ensuring that by
the late seventies, when the founding ANDG membership was
aging, a younger group was in a position to carry on the
tradition of Schuhplattler. Working to keep the group
together, the next Group Leader, Mr Werner Lachs will be
remembered always for his enthusiastic efforts. Following
Werner Lachs as Group Leader was Mr Hans Stiffner.
By introducing some traditional music and bell tunes which
he had written, many of which are still played today, Hans’
contribution will long be remembered and appreciated.
1976 saw the
appointment of Mr Herbert Reiter as Group Leader of the
ANDG. Regarded Australia-wide as the epitome of what a
Schuhplattler and Group Leader should be, Herbie’s
contribution to the ANDG is priceless. In August 1979,
sponsored by the Austrian Club and the Shooting Group
Enzian, Herbie went on an eight-week dance study tour of
Austria, bringing back dances performed in Austria at the
time. Many of these dances are still performed by the group
today. Even after standing down as Group Leader in 1987,
Herbie continued to contribute his knowledge and skills as
Vorplattler, until retiring from dancing in 1991.
Herbie’s commitment to the Austrian Association of South
Australia continued after this time and he went on to become
President of our Club. Under his presidency, the Austrian
Club has seen many changes and renovations, but Herbie has
continued to devote his time to assisting the current Junior
Dance Group as a dance teacher and musician since 2002.
In 1978 a Junior Dance
Group, which was equally as popular and sought after as
its senior counterpart, was formed under the leadership of
Franz Knoll. Herbie
and Franz led their groups until about 1985, when the two
groups united to form one group. During this period, another
Feuerreiter, Walter’s son Romano, also became a Vorplattler
of the group, continuing to uphold the traditions he had
learned from his father.
In 1987, leadership of
the group was handed to Mr Harald Scherwitzel for a period
of six years, during which time many of the “senior” dancers
began to retire from active dancing. However, this was also
a time when many of the young dancers from Franz Knoll’s
Junior Dance Group began to come of age – the Austrian
National Dance Group was again in its prime.
The Dance Group’s first
female leader, Miss Linda Lehermayr, took on the leadership
role in 1993, followed by Mr Hans Oppawski who led the group
for a period of two years. Throughout the period from 1990
to 1995, another group of youngsters – children of retired
dancers – began to join in the dancing and the group
continued to enjoy performing successfully at many local and
interstate functions, as well as acquitting itself highly at
the bi-annual Brücke Volkstanz-fest which was held around
In 1996, after serving
an “apprenticeship” as Vorplattler under the leadership of
Harry, Linda and Hans, Mr Paul Schiller was appointed as
Group Leader. Remaining in this position until
his retirement from dancing in 2000, Paul was always happy,
jovial and able to get the best out of the younger dancers
around him. Many of the most memorable Schuhplattler Abend
scripts were produced under Paul’s imaginative and creative
hand and his presence within the group provided many of the
funniest memories, both in the Dance Group and the Club.
Mr Kristian Fuchs was
appointed as leader of the ANDG in 2000, leading the group
for a period of two years; however, the group began to
struggle with waning membership numbers during this period.
Mr Danny Fuchs took over from his older brother, becoming
Group Leader in 2002; however, he too continued to suffer
from a lack of membership and commitment from the Dance
Group members at the time. Due to a number of children
showing keen interest in dancing, Mr Kristian Fuchs and Miss
Kerstin Schuster formed a Junior Group in early 2002. By
March 2003, the Junior Group had its first major public
performance at the 2003 Brücke Volkstanzfest in Adelaide,
performing a combined bracket of dances with the Senior
Dance Group. Again, Mr Herbert Reiter offered his services
to assist in teaching the young children and he remains an
important member of the current Junior Dance Group.
The success of the
nineties was unfortunately followed by dwindling numbers in
the new millennium. 2003 was a particularly sad time for the
Austrian National Dance Group, as the Senior Group
determined to “call it a day”. However, rallying from the
support of parents the children in the Junior Dance Group,
not a minute was lost in re-forming under the name of
The Austrian National
Junior Dance Group. Since 2003, under the leadership
of Mr. Harry Scherwitzel, whose children now dance in the
Junior Dance Group, and with a significant contribution and
support from Herbert Reiter and the parents of the children
in the group, the ANDG has continued to uphold the Austrian
culture and the tradition of Schuhplattler dancing and cow
bell ringing in South Australia.
Performances at the
2005 Volkstanzfest in Melbourne, Victoria, heralded the
beginning of a new era for our young dancers. The children
were clearly crowd favourites at the 2007 Volkstanzfest in
Canberra, A.C.T. Members of the Austrian Association of
South Australia should be proud of the achievements of this
young group as they held their own against much older and
more experienced groups.
I am proud to mention that the ANDG boasted both the
youngest dancers present in Canberra and at the same time is
the oldest Austrian dance group in Australia – like the
Austrian Club, we too celebrate our 50th Anniversary in
On behalf of all
Austrian National Dance Group members, both past and
I wish to extend our thanks to the Austrian Association of
South Australia and its members for their support over the
past 50 years.
I offer my sincere
congratulations to the Austrian Association for the past
success it has enjoyed and wish the Club continued success
for the future. With some good fortune, the ANDG hope to be
in a position where we will continue to celebrate many
future milestones with you in years to come.
Harry Scherwitzel
Group Leader of the Austrian National Dance Group |
Message from Mrs Anni
Group Leader of Chor Alpenfrieden
Choir Alpenfrieden
is very proud to be an active subgroup of the Austrian
Association in Adelaide, which celebrates its 50th
Anniversary this year.
Alpenfrieden is a mixed A Capella Choir, and it is made up
of members from many different nationalities.
The choir celebrated
its 25th Anniversary in 2005. Through all the years, the
choir’s aim has been to promote and keep alive the richness
of Austrian folk music. For the Austrian community, to keep
alive the connection to the old home land, but also to
enrich the cultural aspect of the new homeland, Australia.
The choir has given and participated in many wonderful
concerts here in Adelaide and in most of the states in
We were proud to
perform together with other choirs Mozart’s Coronation and
Requiem Masses and also works from Vivaldi, Händl and many
For the choir members, singing is a great joy and we hope
that we can continue to do so for many more years to come.
Our musical director is Mr Peter Ruys, who has many years
experience in conducting German-speaking choirs. Mr Ruys has
been our conductor since 1996.
We wish the Austrian
Association a very Happy 50th Anniversary, and many more
successful years ahead.
Anni Clark
Group Leader of Chor Alpenfrieden |
Message from Mr Heinrich
Group Leader of The Austrian Keglers (Ten Bin Bowling)
Bowling is a very
old and competitive sport which is played around the world.
In Austria “Kegeln” is traditionally played with nine pins,
but here in Australia we use ten pins – hence the name “Ten
Pin Bowling”.
The Austrian Keglers
bowling team first started bowling in 1960 at Parkside,
later moving to Cross Road Bowl and finally to Woodville
Bowl where we still compete today. The founding captain was
Hans Hergg, followed by Sepp Mittermaier (who led the group
for 13 years) and Irwin Schott (who was in charge for 18
years). Congratulations to all captains and bowlers; in
particular to those who were involved with the Fury League,
which we won four years in a row.
Willy and Gottfried
Gangl have been bowling with the Austrian Keglers since 1973
and still enjoy the game today. In 1996 Heinrich Monz
started league bowling and he is the current team captain;
his wife Pia has also joined the team.
Traudl Juraschek, with
all of her wit and humour, was a valuable member of the team
but sadly she was taken from us due to illness. Brigitte
Lachs was also a very valuable team member but, due to other
commitments, she was not able to continue with us. Currently
our fifth bowler is Susie Pierce.
Recent success includes
being League Champions in 1998, 2000 and 2005.
During the 2006 State Championship we broke the standing
B-Grade mixed team record by 30 pins. Congratulations to all
bowlers involved.
The Austrian Keglers
would like to congratulate the Austrian Association on its
50th Birthday.
Heinrich Monz
Team Captain of The Austrian Keglers |
Message from Mr Franz
Group Leader of The Table Tennis Group
On the fifth of
March, 1960, the Table Tennis Group was founded as a
sub-group of the Austrian Association of South Australia by
the late Mr. Arnold Zinnoegger. Subsequent group leaders
were Mr Oskar Staudinger, Mr. Norbert Ullrich and
Mrs. Angelika Tomasin. In 1977 Club Championships were
introduced, which have since been the highlight of the year.
I took over leadership of the group in 1986 at which time I
introduced three Group Championship categories: for men,
women and juniors. We also conduct team matches against
players from various other groups.
Table tennis is a
physical fitness sport which can be enjoyed by young and old
alike. I hope that this sport will continue to be a part of
the Austrian Club.
The Table Tennis Group
would like to congratulate the Austrian Association and its
members on their 50th Anniversary and wishes success for the
Franz Tomasin
Group Leader of The Table Tennis Group |
Message from Mr Hilde
Group Leader of The Penioners Group
The Austrian
Pensioner Group was formed in 1988 and commenced with only
14 members. Since that time we have grown to over 60
members. There have been several leaders of this group with
Max Hummel being the first leader, followed by various
others including Fritz Neuer, Tony Gigler and the current
leader, Hilde Schoiswohl.
The group meets every
second week on pension day to enjoy a friendly after-noon
including coffee, cake, bingo and various card games. These
afternoons are successful and well attended. The pensioners
provide the cakes and the Austrian Club provides coffee and
The Pensioner Group is
generally active throughout the year, arranging bus trips to
various South Australian tourist locations and also
arranging meals at the Austrian Club on special occasions,
including a Christmas Party.
The Pensioner Group
would like to congratulate the Austrian Association of South
Australia for keeping the Austrian culture and spirit alive
for the past fifty years.
Hilde Schoiswohl
Group Leader of The Pensioners Group |